Tyneside Pop Up Film School. During the first year of my course I chose to take part in a practical experience with Tyneside Cinema film studios. This experience included a group filming task where in groups of 5 or 6, we were to create a short film trailer for the horror genre. Whilst doing this my skills in teamwork and leadership improved as I was taking a leadership role in editing the trailer. The day was of great value in the understanding of my role involved with media as my networking was helped by the three Tyneside Cinema staff who gave hints and tips for the parts we were in control of. Some of the equipment and procedures that I have not personally used or heard much about were explained by the staff. Box Clever Events. Whilst in first year of the course I was asked by a client to film and event they were holding to help promote their charitable work. This task had the added benefit of also gaining permission to he...